Leading by Example: The Power of Allyship in Disability Inclusion

A line graph shows the steady employment rate for people with disabilities trending upward from 2010 and reaching record highs in 2023.

The landscape of disability employment is experiencing a transformative shift, marking an era of significant progress and inclusivity. Axios' Emily Peck reports a record 22.5% of people with disabilities were employed in 2023, reflecting a strong labor market and the empowering role of remote work. This transition is not merely an adjustment to a post-pandemic world; it represents a broader move toward genuine inclusivity, affirming that remote work is a crucial enabler for those traditionally marginalized in the employment sector.

Key Insights:

• The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an increase in the disability rate among Americans to 12.5% in 2023, up from 11.7% in 2019.
• Labor force participation for disabled men and women has notably increased since 2019, highlighting a shift toward greater inclusion.
• Despite these gains, the unemployment rate for disabled workers was 7.2%  — about twice what it was for non-disabled workers, indicating persistent challenges in achieving full employment equality.

The expansion of the Disability Equality Index (DEI) to include more countries, as highlighted by HR Brew ™️’s Kristen Parisi, signals a growing global commitment to disability inclusion. Jill Houghton, president and CEO of Disability:IN, emphasizes the significance of senior leaders who "either openly identified as having a disability or being an ally for people with disabilities," illustrating that authentic leadership can catalyze profound organizational change.

Disability Employee Resource Groups, supported by the C-suite, are instrumental in fostering an inclusive work environment. These groups exemplify how investment in disability inclusion not only enhances corporate culture but also taps into a vast source of talent and market opportunity.

As we navigate the future, the journey toward disability inclusion will require a blend of innovative employment practices, committed leadership, and vibrant community engagement. By championing these changes, we can create workplaces where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can thrive.

Employment rate for Americans with disabilities reached record high in 2023

The Goldilocks Dilemma: Navigating Disability Representation in the Workplace

A photo of confident businesswoman sitting on wheelchair. Portrait of confident female professional is in board room. She is in smart casuals at creative office.

In the realm of business, the dialogue around disability inclusion often mirrors a well-rehearsed play: grand declarations of commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are made, yet the curtain falls before any meaningful action takes place. This dissonance between words and actions reveals a profound misunderstanding of what authentic disability representation entails. It's not just about filling quotas or showcasing diversity for marketing purposes; it's about fostering an environment where every individual, regardless of their abilities, can thrive.

The concept of the "Goldilocks nature of disability" in the workplace is a testament to this misunderstanding. On one hand, individuals perceived as "too disabled" are often overlooked, based on the erroneous belief that they will require excessive accommodations or will not be as productive. On the other hand, those who excel, thanks to necessary accommodations, face skepticism and accusations of exploiting their disability for benefits like telework. This paradox highlights a glaring issue: many companies want disabled employees to be just disabled "enough" to benefit the company's image but not so much that understanding and meeting their needs becomes a priority.

Caroline Casey, in her Forbes article, underscores the imperative of authentic disability representation noting, "Piecemeal efforts like basic accessibility compliance or tokenistic representation fail to shift norms: what’s needed is a seismic culture change in how disability representation is understood and embedded across organizations from media and marketing to product design and accessible retail spaces." This sentiment is echoed in the recent initiative by Starbucks, as reported by Axios, where the opening of their accessible store in Union Market is not just a nod to accessibility but a step toward setting new standards in how businesses can and should integrate accessibility into their core operations.

However, as someone who has advocated for accessible entrances at my local Starbucks for nearly a decade, with success only coming in January 2024, I can't help but view this development with a mix of appreciation and irony.

True inclusion requires a shift in mindset—from viewing accommodations as a burden to seeing them as an investment in a diverse workforce reflecting the world we live in. It's about recognizing that every employee brings a unique set of skills and perspectives that, when harnessed, lead to innovation and growth.

As we navigate the complexities of disability inclusion, let us challenge ourselves and our organizations to move beyond performative actions. Let's commit to listening, learning, and adapting. Let's strive for a workplace where everyone is not just accommodated but truly included and valued.

Authentic Disability Representation Is A Business Imperative

The ADA Under Siege? What the Supreme Court’s Latest Ruling Means for Disability Rights

A pull quote from Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, “it would be deeply unfortunate if the Equal Protection Clause actually demanded this perverse, ahistorical, and counterproductive outcome.”

The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn race-conscious admissions in colleges has left me, as a disability advocate, deeply concerned. The ruling, which challenges affirmative action, makes me wonder: What does this mean for other minority groups, especially the disabled community?

With this ruling, the Supreme Court continues its historic march backward on civil rights; seemingly hellbent on taking them all back piece by piece.

Will Hild of Consumers'​ Research told The Washington Post the ruling “will put the wind in the sails of groups like ours, who want to get the woke, racially based hiring and promotion schemes out of corporate America.” This statement raises alarm bells. If the court is willing to challenge affirmative action, is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) next?

Furthermore, Hild mentions that legal precedents allowing race-conscious admissions have been a “fig leaf” for private sector diversity initiatives. With this ruling, he predicts a “free-for-all on pushing back against that.” This suggests that the ruling could embolden challenges to diversity initiatives across the board, including those aimed at disability inclusion.

In a scorching dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor stated that “the devastating impact of this decision cannot be overstated.” She added that the decision “cements a superficial rule of colorblindness as a constitutional principle in an endemically segregated society where race has always mattered and continues to matter.”

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, wrote in her dissent that “it would be deeply unfortunate if the Equal Protection Clause actually demanded this perverse, ahistorical, and counterproductive outcome.”

The ADA has been a cornerstone for disability rights, ensuring equal opportunities for people like me. I am one of the 61 million disabled adults in the United States. As a wheelchair user and service dog handler to Canine Companions® Pico, the ADA has been instrumental in my life. But this ruling might embolden groups to challenge not just racial diversity but diversity as a whole.

We must remain vigilant and proactive. The progress we’ve made in disability rights is monumental, but it’s also fragile. We must ensure that this ruling does not become a precedent for eroding the protections that the ADA provides.

As we enter Disability Pride Month, as we celebrate Independence Day, we must not become complacent. I urge you all to stay informed, engage in discussions, and stand up for the rights of all minority groups. Our diversity is our strength. Let’s protect it.

#DisabilityRights #SupremeCourt #ADA #ProtectDiversity #AffirmativeAction #SCOTUS #CivilRights #StayInformed #EngageInChange #DEI #DEIA #DisabilityPride

Free Expertise? The True Cost of Devaluing Disability Advocacy

A colorful backdrop with a silver broadcaster’s microphone at the center.

In my life as a disability advocate, I've had the honor of standing up for countless causes, initiatives, and events. It's been a journey filled with moments that have inspired me, connections that have broadened my worldview, and the rewarding sense that I'm making a real difference. But there's a troubling trend that's been casting a shadow over these experiences: the expectation that my expertise, and that of many others in my field, should be offered without any compensation.

A fairly common exchange with a potential client:

Them: We’d love to have you speak at our event. 

Me: Fantastic. Here are my rates.

Them: Oh, you charge? We have no budget. 

This isn't just about money. It's about respect, value, and recognition. When organizations come to us for our expertise but hesitate at the idea of paying for it, they're sending a clear message: they don't believe our knowledge, our time, and our energy are worth investing in. This devalues our work, our experiences, and our contributions to the very causes these organizations claim to champion. You can't truly advocate for diversity, equity, inclusion, and access without compensating the thought leaders whose opinions and expertise you value.

Remember, you're reaching out to us because we're established leaders in our field. We don't need exposure as a fringe benefit for free labor.

This issue isn't just about me or about disability advocacy. It's a widespread problem affecting countless experts and professionals who are asked to give their time and knowledge for free. But as we approach Disability Pride Month, it's time to shine a spotlight on this issue in our field.

We, as disability advocates, bring a unique perspective to the table. We offer insights that can't be found in textbooks or online articles. We share personal experiences, hard-earned wisdom, and a deep understanding of disability issues. This expertise is valuable and should be treated as such.

It's time for a change. It's time for organizations to recognize the value of disability advocacy and to invest in it. It's time for us to stand up and say, "Our expertise is worth paying for."

As we approach Disability Pride Month, let's start a conversation about this. Let's challenge the status quo and advocate for the recognition and compensation we deserve. Let's do this together.

I invite you to share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas in the comments below. Let's use our collective voices to make a difference. And if this message resonates with you, I encourage you to share it with your network. Together, we can change the narrative.