Normalize Disability

Celebrating Universal Design and Inclusion at GitLab

Ryan Honick Presents to the GitLab team on the 33rd anniversary of the ADA

Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a landmark legislation that has transformed the lives of millions of Americans. Today, I had the distinct honor of speaking at GitLab on this significant day. Our discussion revolved around the benefits of universal design and remote work in fostering more inclusive and welcoming environments for employees of all abilities.

The conversation was vibrant, engaging, and insightful. I am profoundly grateful to the team at GitLab for inviting me to speak on such crucial topics during Disability Pride Month, and particularly on the anniversary of the ADA. It is through such dialogues that we continue the legacy and vital work of the ADA, ensuring equal opportunities for everyone to thrive in the workplace and beyond.

The passion of the GitLab team was palpable. They are committed to creating an environment where all employees can thrive and succeed. They understand that true inclusion happens when conversations about diversity and disability become the norm, not the exception. When we bring these discussions out of the shadows, we dismantle the stigma and shame often associated with disability. We create a space where people feel empowered to share their stories and experiences, enriching us all.

Normalizing these conversations is a step towards a more inclusive society. It allows us to recognize and appreciate the unique perspectives we each bring to the table, and understand how disability can impact us in ways we may not realize.

I am deeply thankful to GitLab for this opportunity. Their leadership's passion for these discussions is evident, and it's a reminder that change truly starts from the top. I hope that these conversations continue not just during Disability Pride Month, but throughout the year. They are daily discussions that need to happen. They are crucial to our success as individuals, as a society, and as a workforce.

I want to express my gratitude to GitLab for today's opportunity to discuss these important topics. Let's continue to bring these conversations to the forefront, not just today, but every day of the year.

A Salute to Advocacy: Celebrating LinkedIn's Top Voices in Disability Advocacy

A picture of Ryan with a blue background and a Linkedin Top Voices graphic that reads: "Ryan Honick: Disability Advocate, Speaker, Professional Persuader."

This week, I was humbled to be featured as a Top Voice in Disability Advocacy by LinkedIn for the second straight year. Advocacy work is its own reward, but this recognition and the platform it provides to amplify our message is deeply appreciated.

Amidst all the chatter about various social media platforms and their impacts on social good, I firmly believe that LinkedIn stands out as the most beneficial and inclusive.

The honor has connected me with fellow advocates and allies, helping to magnify our collective message about the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging for disabled people in our society. I am honored to be a Top Voice alongside so many inspiring advocates.

A heartfelt congratulations to Marisa Hamamoto, Lachi ♫, Donna Cruz Jones, Margaux Joffe, CPACC Jeremy Andrew Davis, Keely Cat-Wells, Meryl Evans, CPACC (deaf) Brandon Farbstein, Haben Girma, Julie Harris, Emily Ladau, Becca Lory Hector, Catarina Rivera, MSEd, MPH, CPACC, Natalie Trevonne, and Tiffany A. Yu, MSc. Your tireless efforts to create an equitable world do not go unnoticed.

Each of these advocates brings a unique perspective and voice to the table, and I encourage you to follow their work. Their stories, their struggles, and their victories are a testament to the power of advocacy.

As we celebrate this recognition, let's remember that our work is far from over. Every day, we strive to create a world where disability advocacy is no longer needed, where disability discourse is normalized, and where people with disabilities are treated as equals.

Special thanks to Marisa Hamamoto for the awesome graphic.

Advocacy Burnout: The Untold Story of Disability Activists

A black candle with a wild flame burns surrounded by smoke and a dark desolate background.

As we near the end of Disability Pride Month, I find myself reflecting on the journey we've embarked on together. Nearly every day, I've shared stories, raised awareness, and spotlighted the diverse aspects of disability life. The response has been overwhelming, and I'm deeply grateful for each one of you who has engaged with my posts, learned something new, or found solace in shared experiences.

But today, I want to shed light on a seldom-discussed aspect of disability advocacy: the exhaustion. The reality is, advocacy doesn't pause when the calendar flips or the spotlight dims. We advocate every day, not because we crave attention or conflict, but because we must. We strive to live in a world where our advocacy is no longer necessary, where disability discourse is so normalized that it doesn't require amplification.

There are days when the weight of this work feels unbearable. Days when I wish I could "just live my life," as some well-meaning yet misguided individuals have suggested. But here's the thing: I advocate so that I can do exactly that. So that we all can.

We yearn for a future where months like Disability Pride or National Disability Employment Awareness Month are no longer needed because people with disabilities are treated as equals. We yearn for a future where we don't have to justify our existence or fight for our rights. We yearn for a future where we can just live our lives.

Today, I'm not spotlighting a specific issue or cause. Instead, I'm offering a behind-the-scenes look at the toll advocacy takes. It's rewarding, yes, but it's also physically, mentally, and emotionally draining. And I promise you, your disabled friends are feeling it too.

We can't wait for the day when our advocacy puts itself out of business, as my entrepreneurial father Craig Honick once said. But until then, we need you. We need our allies to step up, to share the load, to amplify our voices. We are tired, but we are not defeated. And with your help, we can build a world where disability advocacy is a chapter in history books, not a daily fight.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Let's keep the conversation going, not just this month, but every day.